CAHIMS, CPHIMS, and CPHIMS-CA Renewal Requirements and Application

CAHIMS, CPHIMS, and CPHIMS-CA Renewal Requirements and Application


The HIMSS Certification renewal program ensures that certified professionals demonstrate ongoing competence in the content areas in which they are certified through maintenance activities.

Renewal Cycle

Renewal must be completed every three (3) years to maintain your CAHIMS, CPHIMS, or CPHIMS-CA certification. Please complete your renewal application at least four (4) weeks before the expiration date on your certificate to allow time for your application to be processed before your certification expires.

For CAHIMS, you are required to obtain a total of 45 CEs during your renewal cycle.

  • A minimum of 25 of the 45 CEs must be obtained from HIMSS or HIMSS-Approved Provider activities.
For CPHIMS, you are required to obtain a total of 45 CEs during your renewal cycle.
  • A minimum of 25 of the 45 CEs must be obtained from HIMSS or HIMSS-Approved Provider activities.

For CPHIMS-CA, you are required to obtain a total of 60 CEs during your renewal cycle.

  • 45 CEs as described above for the CPHIMS credential
  • An additional 15 CEs are required specific to Canadian healthcare information and management systems
  • A minimum of 10 of the 15 additional CEs must be obtained from Digital Health Canada, formerly COACH: Canada’s Health Informatics Association activities.

Renewal Process

The renewal cycle for HIMSS designations is every three (3) years, with expiration on the last day of the month in which your certification expires. Renewal may be achieved through either participation in continuing professional education activities or through re-taking and passing the current form of the certification exam corresponding to your credential, and Canadian Supplement when applicable. Individuals who have earned the CPHIMS-CA will maintain their renewal cycle based on successful achievement of the CPHIMS credential.

To Renew Through Continuing Professional Education You Must:

  • Obtain the required number of CEs during your renewal cycle by participating in continuing education activities.
  • Document and maintain a file of your activity (for auditing purposes only).
  • Report your CEs to HIMSS via the online Certification Transcript in your HIMSS profile, and ensure your renewal fee is paid by your expiration date.
Qualifying Continuing Education Activities and Calculation of CEs

Continuing Education Content
CEs must be earned within your renewal cycle and must be relevant to the healthcare information and
management systems field as presented in the HIMSS Certification Content Outline to be eligible for
continuing education credit. For CPHIMS-CA holders, the additional portion of CEs required must be relevant to the field as presented in the Canadian Supplement Content Outline.

Calculation of CEs
Calculation of CEs is based upon clock hours. One (1) CE hour is awarded for each 60 minutes of attendance or participation. Fractional parts of an hour in duration will be considered for partial credit hours. The calculation is defined as the number of minutes engaged in educational activity divided by 60. Common equivalencies are provided in the table below.

Continuing Education Activities

Category 1: Continuing Education Hours
Participation in educational programs on topics relevant to healthcare information and management systems.
1 CE hour for each 60 minutes of participation

1. Educational portions of HIMSS/Digital Health Canada educational activities (i.e., international,
national, state, provincial, local, or regional activities)
2. Educational portions of programs sponsored by related organizations on topics that maintain, update, or enhance knowledge and/or skills relevant to the healthcare information and management systems profession.  
Category 1 Audit: If your renewal application is selected for an audit, you will be required to submit supporting documents such as a copy of the completion certificate(s) showing the date(s), title, number of continuing education hours, sponsoring organization, etc. In addition, you may be required to provide evidence of the applicability of the activity to CAHIMS, CPHIMS, or CPHIMS-CA.

Category 2: Academic Credits
Participation in formal educational programs of study that address relevant healthcare information and management systems subject areas.
1. Post-secondary courses taken for credit in pursuit of an associate, baccalaureate, masters, or
doctorate, relevant to healthcare information and management systems.
5 CE hours for each academic credit

2. Audited or non-credit adult education courses taken, relevant to healthcare information and management systems, without completing necessary requirements for full formal credit.

3 CE hours for each academic course completed 

Category 2 Audit: If your renewal application is selected for an audit, you will be required to submit supporting documents such as transcript(s) showing the number of academic credits, sponsoring organization, etc. In addition, you may be required to provide evidence of the applicability of the course content to your CAHIMS, CPHIMS, or CPHIMS-CA. 

Category 3: Presentations

Presentation of material relevant to healthcare information and management systems professionals.

Presentations are defined as the development of an original work delivered to an audience. You can only claim credit for the same course one (1) time each recertification period.

1. Speaker at an educational program

1 CE hour for each 15 minutes of podium time

2. Panel participant at an educational program

1 CE hour for each 60 minutes of podium time

3. Guest lecturer for a college/university course

1 CE hour for each 15 minutes of podium time

4. Primary author of content related to healthcare information and management systems utilized in e- learning and/or other media presentations.

1 CE hour for each 15 minutes of presentation time

Category 3 Audit: If your renewal application is selected for an audit, you will be required to submit supporting documents such as a copy of the presentation outline, abstract, letter accepting your abstract, or a letter inviting you to speak, and evidence that you actually presented the topic e.g., thank you letter on official letterhead. 

Category 4: Publications

Publication is defined as the development of an original work, relevant to the healthcare information and management systems profession, reproduced by written or electronic means for general dissemination to the public (unless required as part of work responsibilities).

1. Book related to healthcare information and management systems. You must be the author or co author.

20 CE hours

2. Book chapter related to healthcare information and management systems. You must be the author or co-author.

15 CE hours

3. Article published in a peer-reviewed journal related to healthcare information and management systems. You must be the author or co-author.

5 CE hours

4. Article published in a professional newsletter.

3 CE hours

Category 4 Audit: If your renewal application is selected for an audit, you will be required to submit supporting documents such as a copy of the table of contents or other applicable content with the title, publication date and your name.

Category 5: Professional Service
Complete one (1) or more years of volunteer service during your renewal cycle with an international, national, state, provincial or local related professional organization/society. Accepted volunteer activities include boards of directors, committees, work groups, task forces, and review boards (unless required as part of work responsibilities).
5 CE hours for each year of service

Category 5 Audit: If your renewal application is selected for an audit, you must submit the official description of your volunteer duties, a detailed description of 500 words or less, describing the impact of this service on your ability to obtain new knowledge in healthcare information and management systems. In addition, you will be required to provide supporting documentation of your volunteer service: e.g., copy of the official letter or other documents from the organization attesting to your service and the dates of the service.

Category 6: Item Writing
Item writing for the CAHIMS, CPHIMS, or CA Exams CE hours pre-determined by HIMSS or Digital Health Canada respectively.

Category 6 Audit: If your renewal application is selected for an audit, you must submit the official letter from HIMSS or Digital Health Canada acknowledging your participation and the number of CE hours earned and the date earned.

Non-Qualifying Continuing Education Activities

Examples of activities that do not qualify for CE hours are as follows. The list is illustrative and not intended to be all-inclusive. Responsibilities that fall within the normal parameters of an individual’s job description, including, but not limited to, the following:

 staff meetings;
 grand rounds;
 preparation for and/or participation in accreditation and licensure surveys;
 preparation of procedure, policy, or administrative manuals;
 conducting tours;
 participation in career day activities;
 development of employee and staff training materials;
 published materials and/or presentations developed as a direct part of an individual’s employment;
 instructing or teaching a class that is part of your employment;
 Summarizing articles, audiotapes, or video

Reporting Your CE Hours

Individuals are responsible for tracking their own CE hours earned during a renewal cycle. Start documenting your continuing education hours through the new HIMSS online tracking certification application, which is linked to your HIMSS account. Now, you can record your continuing education units (CEs) online anytime, anywhere! Please note: paper submissions are no longer accepted.


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