Key Health Data Standards:
Key Health Data Standards:
- HL7 (Health Level Seven):
- Overview:
HL7 is a set of international standards for the exchange, integration, sharing,
and retrieval of electronic health information. It focuses on enabling
different healthcare applications and systems to communicate with each
- Application:
HL7 is widely used to share data between hospital information systems
(HIS), laboratory systems, and other healthcare technologies. HL7
standards include messaging, document exchange, and clinical data
- FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources):
- Overview:
FHIR is a modern standard developed by HL7, designed to make health data
exchange faster, easier, and more efficient. It uses web technologies
like RESTful APIs to facilitate data sharing between systems.
- Application:
FHIR enables real-time data exchange between electronic health records
(EHRs), mobile applications, cloud-based services, and wearable devices.
It simplifies data sharing, especially in complex environments with
multiple systems.
- ICD (International Classification of Diseases):
- Overview:
ICD is a coding system used to classify and code diagnoses, symptoms, and
procedures. ICD-10 is the current version used worldwide, and ICD-11 is
gradually being adopted.
- Application:
ICD codes are used for clinical documentation, billing, epidemiology, and
health research. They ensure that diagnoses and procedures are documented
consistently across different providers and countries.
- CPT (Current Procedural Terminology):
- Overview:
CPT is a coding system used to describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic
services and procedures.
- Application:
CPT codes are used in billing and claims processing to ensure that
healthcare services are documented and reimbursed consistently.
- SNOMED-CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine –
Clinical Terms):
- Overview:
SNOMED-CT is a comprehensive, multilingual clinical healthcare
terminology standard used to encode the meanings of clinical terms.
- Application:
SNOMED-CT is used to document clinical information in EHRs, enabling
standardized, structured data that can be shared and analyzed across
different healthcare providers and systems.
- LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and
- Overview:
LOINC is a universal code system for identifying laboratory and clinical
- Application:
LOINC is used for laboratory test orders, results, and other clinical
measurements, enabling seamless data sharing between laboratories,
hospitals, and EHR systems.
- DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine):
- Overview:
DICOM is a standard for handling, storing, and transmitting medical
images and their associated data.
- Application:
DICOM is used to share medical imaging data between imaging devices
(e.g., MRI, CT scans) and healthcare systems, allowing providers to view,
transfer, and store imaging data consistently.
- NDC (National Drug Code):
- Overview:
NDC is a coding system for identifying medications that are distributed
in the United States.
- Application:
NDC codes are used for medication documentation, prescribing, dispensing,
and billing, ensuring that drugs are consistently identified and tracked
across healthcare systems.
- HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
- Overview:
HIPAA provides standards for protecting sensitive patient information and
ensuring that health data is shared securely.
- Application:
HIPAA requires healthcare providers to implement security measures like
encryption, user authentication, and access controls to protect health
information, both during transmission and while at rest.
- NPI (National Provider Identifier):
- Overview:
NPI is a unique identification number for healthcare providers in the U.S.
- Application:
NPI is used in all administrative and financial transactions, such as
billing, to identify healthcare providers consistently across the system.
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